5 Safety Tips For Visiting Waterparks

Waterparks are a staple of summer (or just any season) fun. However, there are several steps that you should take to help ensure safety, especially if you’re bringing kids to the waterpark.

So in this blog post, we’re going to cover x tips for waterpark safety. Because staying safe is a crucial component to having the absolute time of your life at a waterpark.

And without further hesitation, let’s take a plunge into these safety tips!

Drink Plenty of Water

Dehydration never takes a day off. And this is especially true at waterparks. Sure, there may be sodas, juices, and other sugary drinks, but nothing beats good ol’ H2O when staying hydrated. So pack some water with you on your next adventure to a water park.

Wear Sunscreen

Nobody has ever regretted wearing sunblock. It’s essential to wear sunscreen at a waterpark or just whenever you’re spending a significant amount of time outside. Too much sun exposure can leave you sunburned or even increase your risk of skin cancer. So before you jump in, make sure you put on sunscreen.

Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)

If you or your kids aren’t especially strong swimmers, it’s good to either bring a personal flotation device or rent one from the waterpark. Floaties might seem like a good idea, but you should only use U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices for guaranteed safety.

Keep Your Kids In Sight

Sure, many waterparks have a lifeguard on staff. However, that doesn’t mean you should leave your kids unattended and unsupervised at a waterpark. Lifeguards have a lot of people they need to watch over. Help them keep the waterpark safe by doing your part to look after your kids.

Follow the Rules

The water park made rules for a reason—safety. Just about any waterpark or public pool will prohibit running because it can get slippery. However, upon arriving at the waterpark, you should get acquainted with their rules and policy so that everyone can have a great day at the park.

For example, Delta-9 gummies can add a bit of fun to summer activities. When derived from hemp and at a 0.3% or lower concentration by dry weight, Delta-9 is legal in all states. However, you the park might not want you having edibles while enjoying their slides or other activities. Such things might be better left for after your trip to the waterpark.


That’s just about it for this blog post. Safety is no accident, especially at waterparks. If you have any questions on how to stay safe at waterparks, just talk to one of the staff, and they’ll fill you in on some tips.

Waterparks are one of the most fun parts of summer, and you don’t want anything dampening that fun. So stay safe and enjoy your stay at a waterpark!

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